Alighiero Boetti, Sentieri di Pensieri (Paths of Thought), 1982, biro on paper in three parts, 39 3/8 x 82 11/16 inches
Alighiero Boetti, Without Title, 1988, embroidery on fabric, 44 7/8 x 44 7/8 inches
Pier Paolo Calzolari, Untitled (l’aria vibra), 1970, melton, refrigerating unit and copper pipes, neon, transformer, lead, 67 x 30 x 10 inches
Pier Paolo Calzolari, Untitled (Cinghie), 1971, leather, refrigerating unit and copper pipes, neon, transformer, lead, 130 x 59 x 14 inches
Luciano Fabro, Gli Amanti (nudi), 1987-1988, marble, in two parts, 7 x 97 x 17 ¾ inches
Luciano Fabro, Il giorno mi pesa sulla notte I, 1994, portuguese pink marble, red Levanto marble, gold, lead, glass, 39 1/2 x 101 x 14 7/8 inches. Image Courtesy of Paula Cooper Gallery, New York.
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 1960, mixed media on paper laid down on canvas, 63 x 75 inches
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 1983, wood assemblage, metal shelf, 58 x 95 x 7 inches
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 1985, burlap sacks, iron beams, dimensions variable
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 1993, steel panel, musical instruments, copper pots, hooks, 79 x 142 x 20 inches
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 1999, plates, iron shelves, bags and plaster, 142 x 79 x 22 inches
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, 2012, steel panel, iron wires, sacks and iron ore, 85 x 71 x 17 inches
Mario Merz, Fibonacci series 1/1/2/3/5/8/13/21/34/55/89/144/233…, 1996, 21 neon numerals, cable, electrical transformer, dimensions variable
Giulio Paolini, Studio per Synopsis, 1998, one photograph, eighteen paintings, Plexiglas, 70 7/8 x 86 5/8 inches
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Uomo che sale la scala a pioli (Man climbing the ladder), 2008, silkscreen print on mirror-polished stainless steel, 98 3/8 x 49 1/4 inches
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Two Less One, 2009, golden wood and mirror, each 70 7/8 x 47 1/4 inches